Make The Time To Invest In You And Learn Something New

learn something new

Continuous learning is essential for small business owners and it is easier than ever to learn something new, often without having to leave the comfort of your home office. Although some may think that learning is only for schoolchildren, it is actually a lifelong practice. Developing new skills builds confidence and increases our value to customers and clients.

If you think you don’t have time to learn something new, think again. All it takes is a commitment of an hour each day. If you examine your schedule you will likely find an hour a day that you have been spending doing non-essential things. An hour isn’t much but it does add up. If you’re dedicated to learning something and you are consistent, you will have invested 20 hours to your education within a month.

Here are 5 simple ways to productively spend an hour of your time to learn and absorb new knowledge:

1. Read a Book: There is an unlimited supply of highly rated books available to help you succeed in business. Visit your local library, book store or shop online for books on marketing, branding, networking and more. Did you know that the average person can read about 60 pages in 60 minutes? Take an hour each day to learn how to be more productive and successful or learn a new skill and apply this new expertise in your business.

2. Attend a Webinar: Webinars are typically an hour in length and most are no cost. You will gain valuable information, get new ideas, and/or learn something new. Attend live if you can as some can be very interactive. There are often networking opportunities in a webinar setting. I have gained new subscribers just by sharing my url and business description with other attendees. Did you miss the last webinar you signed up for? Take the time now to view the recording and make a few notes.

3. Invest in an E-Course: Most e-courses are a number of weeks in length. Each lesson complete with homework arrives in your inbox once a week. Set aside an hour each day to review the current lesson and complete the homework. Learn some new skills that will help you to better support your clients or manage and grow your business.

4. Attend Local Events: These events are typically low cost and some are free of charge. Interact with other small business owners and align yourself with industry experts. You can even find quality affiliates and joint venture partners by attending conferences, trade shows and local meetups. Guest speakers entertain, educate and inspire their business event audiences through motivational presentations.

5. Learn through Trial and Error: Is learning by experience your personal learning style? This method is used widely in many fields but can be time-consuming and tedious. As long as you have resources to refer to for help, this problem solving style of learning is a valid option.

Remember, you don’t have to know it all. Specializing in one area and getting really good at it is preferable to being a ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’. It’s motivating to know that using the one hour a day plan, how good you will be in 6 months with over 100 hours invested in continuously improving yourself.