Do You Need A Bullet Journal?

Bullet Journal logo

If you are a pen and paper to-do list type, you’re never without a pad of Post-It notes and you’re a tactile person in a virtual world, then you’ll love Bullet Journal!

Thanks to a virtual friend who posted about this in a Facebook group, I found out about Bullet Journal and I’m going to try it out. As much as I like the software programs that help me with the work I do, I still like to write things down and my month-at-a-glance Daytimer always sits open on my desk.

This system was developed by Ryder Carroll, an Art Director and Interaction Designer living in Brooklyn, NY. Check out this short video for a basic overview.

According to the Bullet Journal website, “It’s an analog system for the digital age that will help you organize the present, record the past, and plan for the future.” You’ll find the steps to get started and many tips and tricks on the website.

I really like the fact that everything is in one place (the journal) and that Tasks, Events and Notes are distinguished with different bullets. To further organize, various symbols are used to indicate important tasks or that an item listed requires research for example.

The next time I’m at the Dollar Store I’ll be looking for a journal that I can test this system out on. What about you?